8th Grade Families- End of Year Events Information/ Informacion de Eventos de 8vo Grado

Dear 8th Grade Parents,

As the end of the school year approaches, we're excited to start planning the 8th grade end of the year activities! It's hard to believe that our children are already nearing the end of their middle school journey, but we're dedicated to making their transition to high school a memorable one.

Today, your child received an 8th Grade Informational packet during their SOAR class. This packet includes details about Student Expectations, Promotion Ceremony information, and the End of the Year Activities we are excitedly planning for them.

Included in the packet are several forms that need to be filled out and returned to their SOAR teacher by Friday March 21st. It’s important that all forms are completed and returned together. We kindly ask for a $40 contribution from each student to help support these events. You or your child can stop by the office to make this contribution all at once, or if it is more convenient, we also offer the option to make payments of any amount until Thursday May 15th.

- Field Trip and Promotion Practice/Day Permission Slips (Purple Form)

- Wild Rivers Waterpark Waiver (Blue Form)

- 8th Grade Student Release-to-Parent Form (Orange Form)

Please  keep the Events Packet for your reference! (white forms)

We value your involvement in this process as we plan these special events. Your input is essential in helping us create experiences that celebrate our 8th graders' achievements. Keep an eye out for emails from our community liaison, Reyna Roman, regarding event donations and volunteer opportunities.

Important dates to remember:

Permission Slips Due: March 21st

Payments: Last Day May 15th

Field Trip to Wild Rivers: June 9th

Promotion Practice @ Bradford Stadium: June 10th

Promotion Day @ Bradford Stadium: June 11th

8th Grade Cookout: June 12th

Click here to view the End of Year Events Flyer

Click here to view the Information Packet

Click here to sign up to Volunteer or Donations

Thank you,
